Important information
VINNUHÁSKÚLIN, Nóatún 7, PO box 104, 110 Tórshavn
VINNUHÁSKÚLIN, undir Krákugjógv 15, PO box 104, 110 Tórshavn
VINNUHÁSKÚLIN, Trygdardepilin við Áir, 420 Hósvík
Some information which may be useful:
Director | Símun Poulsen | simun@vh.fo | +298 350 251 |
Education | Jón Helmsdal | jonh@vh.fo | +298 225 824 |
Education | Karl Gregersen | karl@vh.fo | +298 787 016 |
Phone | +298 350 250 |
info@vh.fo | |
E-mail finances | bokhald@vh.fo |
Homepage | www.vh.fo |
– Office time week days 08:00 am to 03:00 pm
Clerk/finances | Finngerð S. D. Olsen | finngerdo@vh.fo | +298 350 252 |
Clerk/administration | Maria Lava Jacobsen | maria@vh.fo | +298 350 250 |
Caretaker | |||
Quality co-ordinator | Pól Niklái Thorkildshøj | poln@vh.fo | +298 722 775 |
– Teaching hours: from 07:50 am till 02:35 pm
– Coffie break: from 09:25 am till 09:40 pm
– Lunch break: from 12:15 am tll 12:45 pm
School Vacations
– The summer vacation starts from 25. June until 10. August
– The fall break is in mid October (1 week)
– The Christmas holiday is from 19. December (1½ week)
– New students are accepted in August and December
– For the August course the closing date for applications is 1. June.
– For the January course the closing date for applications is 1. December.
What we offer at Vinnuháskúlin
- Skipper
- Master of navigation
- Engineer 2999 KW
- Engineer unlimited
– Requirements to be fulfilled before attending the school navigators engineers.
– Exams are twice a year for all educations.
– If students are to qualify in a certain subject an application in written form must be presented, before a course concession can take place.
– All students are entitled grant. The school provides the application form and assists in filling them out.
– Vinnuháskúlin fulfills the STCW requirements. Therefore the educations are internationally recognized and provide jobs all over the globe.
– Our laboratories are equipped with the newest equipment. In our laboratories you can find all up to date standard equipment.
– The school has about 200 students.