Fire Fighting School

It takes half an hour by bus from Tórshavn to reach Trygdardepilin við Áir (the fire fighting school). The school has up to date classrooms which are equiped according to valid standards Courses held for seafarers comply with the requirements in the STCW-convention and the regulations stipulated by Faroese authorities.

All activities on the school are subject to an IMO approved quality system. Courses are being held in basic fire fighting for employees in factories, organizations and for individuals. In November 2002, Føroya Brandskúli started to hold courses for fire fighters according to a required announcment issued by the Ministry of Trade and Industry.   In 2004, the Maskinmeistaraskúlin (engineer school), Føroya Sjómansskúli (navigation school) and Føroya Brandskúli (fire fighting school) merged and the new school received the name Vinnuháskúlin.

Specially designed courses:

If certain groups, factories or organizations wish a specially designed course, that fits your special need, you are always welcome to contact Trygdardepilin við Áir (the fire fighting school)

Courses in a fixed scedule are:

For seafarers:
Fire fighting including use of breathing apparatus 3 dagar. (STCW IV/1) Refresher Course in firefighting, breathing apparatus included. 1 day Advanced fire fighting on board ships 2 days (STCW IV/3)

You are always welcome to contact us.

Phone  +298 350 259

Fax +298 422 452
